Clone a List

Creates a new List and copies all Members and their List data across.

This function also allows setting the type of the new List, as well as filtering which Members get copied across.

The newly created List will be identical where possible, including the same category, dimension fields etc, but the state will always be INSTALLED. It's also possible to assign it to a different user.

Path Params

The name of the space (database) assigned to you.


One of:

  • The Entity's internal Entity Id
  • The Entity's name
  • The Entity's business Id, prefixed with $
Query Params

The name of the new List to be created.


Controls the type of the new List to be created, and enables converting a List into a different type. This allowed values are TAG, COUNTER and DATA.

By default, TAG, COUNTER and DATA Lists will result in a new List of the same type, whereas SQL Lists will generate a Data List with the same columns,
TARGET Lists will generate a Tag List, and SUBSCRIPTION Lists will generate a Data List with a subscription state column.


It's possible to limit how many Members are copied across to the new List by setting a maximum Limit. If set, a random sub-set of the Members will be copied.
This can be helpful when you need a sample of a larger List for A/B testing or specific targeting.

Leaving this blank means All members will be copied across.


Optional Query fields used to limit the Members to be copied. Multiple fields can be specified, separated by semicolon, and wildcards are supported.
This field works the same way as when querying Lists.


An optional identifier of whom the new List should be assigned to. Defaults to the same as the existing List.


The Dimensions under which the calling application operates.
Format: {dim1}:{value1}[;{dim2}:{value2}[;...]]


If true, also exposes Installed but Unpublished entity resources. Default is false.


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