Everything, in NEON is built up by Entities.
A List is an Entity, An Offer is an Entity, a Wallet, a Sheet, or even a background Job is an Entity.

This meant that all Entities have very much in common and are treated in a very similar way through the entire platform. However the Entities have very different configurations based on what type of Entity they are.

Fields that all entities have in common includes:

Entity FieldNotes
Entity IdThe system's Internal Id
NameThe Name of the Entity
DescriptionAn optional description
External IdAn optional 3rd party identifier
StateThe Entity's state, such as DRAFT or INSTALLED
TypeThis field specifies what type of Entity it is, such as LIST, FORM, SHEET, SURVEY, COMPETTION etc
Sub TypeApplies to certain Entities only, for example a LIST Entity has a sub type to clarify if it's a Tag List, a Data List, a Subscription List etc
CategoryA free-text field which has no meaning to NEON but which can be used by external applications to group Entities into categories.
Assigned ToUsed for assigning the Entity to a specific person, team or department
Dimension FilterSupported by most Entity Types. This makes it possible to dedicate an Entity to a certain pattern of dimensions, for example a language or promotion. The Entity will only be accessible if the passed in Dimensions match this filter
ConfigurationThis is the only thing that really differs between Entities of different types. For example a Survey and Background Job have completely different configurations
CMS ContentOptional additional content and settings to be associated and presented with the Entity.
Meta DataAll Entities have a read-only Meta Data section, which states when the Entity was created, last updated etc.

Other aspects that all entities have in common include:

  • Consistent audit logging or all changes
  • They can be viewed, compared, extracted and imported as plain Json. This makes it very easy to compare configurations between environments, save configurations in source code repositories, export and import whole system configurations etc etc.
  • The same configuration screens in the portal can be used regardless of the type of Entity, and it's possible to see and click through all references between Entities
  • Entities can easily be referenced and utilised within scripts