NEON is a Consumer Data Platform, where almost all functionality relates to Individual Consumers. Different platforms use different names, for example Subscribers, Customers, Users, Members, Consumers, People.
In the NEON world these are called Members.
NEON operates equally well as the company's central member database, holding all the CRM and other data about the member, OR as a separate add-on promotion or data platform which only holds a sub-set of members or member information.
NEON does not have a fixed member profile or fixed mandatory attributes. It is entirely up to each organisation to specify as few or as many "data buckets" (Lists) as they like, and data attributes can easily be added, even for individual promotions.
The only Member fields that NEON specifies are:
member Field | Description |
Member Id | This is a generated, unique internal identifier for each member |
External Id | An optional unique external identifier which can be used to map the member to the customer's Member database |
State | A NEON state which is used by NEON functionality as well as for certain Portal report. The state can be one of: ACTIVE. The default state TEMP. The member is temporary but have not yet registered. This enables tracking member activity even before members have signed up or logged in - INVITED. Used when Members are imported into NEON for the purpose of emailing or inviting them to join. - DORMANT. The Member has not been active or engaged for a long period. Dormant Members will eventually be deleted or anonymized. - BLOCKED. The Member is not allowed access - DELETED. The member has been "permanently" deleted from NEON. They still remain in the database as an anonymised record since their may be transactional information linked to the Member. (Note that if other states are required you can simply create your own state field within a Data List) |
category | An optional categorization of the Member |
Opted In | This is a system-wide marketing opt-in setting. Someone who is not opted in should never be marketed to. See Subscription Lists for fine-grained marketing preference control. |
Email Address | This is the email address which NEON will use when sending emails. See Member Entity configuration for rules around emails |
Email State | This field tells NEON if the email has been verified, if it's bounced etc |
Mobile number | The is the mobile (cell phone) number which NEON will use when sending text messages. See Member Entity configuration for rules around mobile numbers |
Mobile State | This field tells NEON if the mobile number has been verified, if it's bounced etc |
Dimensions | The Dimensions used when the Member was first created. Enables reporting of acquisition by promotion, country etc |
Updated over 1 year ago